AUGUST 18, 2008

Question:So this is the 20th Anniversary of DANZIG?
GLENN DANZIG: Yes, The 1st DANZIG LP was released in Fall of 1988 on
Def American
Question: And that was Produced by Rick Rubin?
GLENN DANZIG: Yea, Rick Produced and for that Record was very
Question: How so?
GLENN DANZIG: Well, He was at every Recording Session and insisted on
doing each track
until he had what he felt was the best take. "DANZIG 1" was recorded
at 3 different
Studios in NYC and there are multiple reels of tape for each Song
from each Studio.
Question: That sounds insane
GLENN DANZIG: I think the only insane part was not Recording over the
takes he felt were
Totally unusable. Each time we changed Sudio's a truck would have to
come and pick up all the
2" Multi's and bring them to the next Studio.It ended up being alot
of Tapes. I understood
that he was looking for that perfect take but that was Rick.
Question: And did he get it, what he was looking for?
GLENN DANZIG: You'd have to ask him, but I think so. At the time he
expressed his happiness
at how the Record turned out and how it was received in the
Question: OK, Enough on the 1st CD, Tell me what you have planned for
this Upcoming
20th Anniversary Tour?
GLENN DANZIG: It will be my First Full US Tour in 3 years. There are
even 2 Canadian Shows
and possibly some Dates in Mexico & South America.
Q: You mentioned before we started the Songs in the Live Set would be
GLENN DANZIG: For this 20th Anniversary Tour, the Set will start off
and then go in Sequence from DANZIG 1 to 2 to 3 and on and on up to
the Present.
Q: Wow, so for the DANZIG Fan this is probably the Ultimate Set
GLENN DANZIG: I hope the Fans will be happy with the song choices
i've put in.
Obviously each person has their own favorites they'd like to see
performed, but i've
tried to make sure there is something to appease every DANZIG Fan
from each Record.
Q: Can you tell me what Songs you'll be playing?
GLENN DANZIG: I think i've told you enough as i'd rather it be a
I can tell you that there will be an acoustic number in the Set.
Q: An Acoustic Song, Is it "I'm The One"?
GLENN DANZIG: Can't say?
Q: It's "Thirteen"?
GLENN DANZIG: Not telling you.
Q: Then what about the Encore?
GLENN DANZIG: We will probably rehearse a bunch of Songs for the
Encore and however we feel
that evening will determine what we do. So it will probably vary from
Show to Show.
Q: Any chance of a New DANZIG CD this year?
GLENN DANZIG: No,... but I have been in the Studio here and there
working on New Songs but don't
know when they will come out. I was thinking of putting One up on the
DANZIG Site so the Fans
could check it out. Even thought about doing one on This Tour.
Q: Really, any Song in particular that you are talking about?
GLENN DANZIG: The 1st Track I started working on called "Black
I would Love to do it on this Run, even if it's only at a Few
Q: OK, so the Audience's on this Tour may also get to hear a New
That would be Awesome.
GLENN DANZIG: I'm glad you think so and I would hope that the Fans
would also like to hear
a New Song before it gets released. I used to do it all the time on
the Early Tours.
777 and many others were done in the DANZIG Set well before they were
Q: As a Vinyl Collector, I'm very happy to see that "Lost Tracks,
Circle of Snakes and Black Aria II"
all got released as LP's and Picture Discs. Will we see more for some
of the other DANZIG releases?
GLENN DANZIG: Eventually, Yes it will happen. It was very Cool seeing
"Lost Tracks" as a
Double Disc Fold Out LP. It's the 1st time in my whole career that
i've had a Double Disc Vinyl LP .
The Book looks great, too.

Q: Tell me about this DANZIG Lyric Book that you are doing with Simon
GLENN DANZIG: Well, Simon and I have worked together for awhile now,
since '92.
He did the painting for the THRALL DEMONSWEATLIVE CD Cover and we've
worked together
on both DANZIG and VEROTIK projects ever since.
Anyway, there are all these DANZIG, SAMHAIN & MISFITS Songs that
the Lyrics have never
been printed for, either in the CD Booklet or on a Lyric Insert back
in Vinyl Only Days.
After hearing from Lots of the Fans over the Years asking how they
could get the Lyrics/Words
to some of the Songs, I had this idea to Print the Lyrics to some of
these Songs on one page
and have Biz illustrate the Song on the Facing page. It's almost
done, some of Bisley's Illustrations
are just Incredible. Some of the Best work he's ever done.
Q: I saw a few on your site and they were Amazing!
What are some of the Songs that we'll see in the Lyric Book?
GLENN DANZIG: A Friend Overseas told me He & some of his Buddies
were sitting around
trying to figure out what would be in the Book. I guess it's a Big
Deal to a bunch of people.
That's Very Cool to hear, I told him some of them and i'll tell you
some here also.
There will be Earh AD, Wolsblood, Die Die My Daarling, American
Nightmare, Unholy Passion,
Death In Its' Arms, Final Descent, Naked Witch, Invocation which was
the Hidden Track on DANZIG 4p,
Warlok, Lords Of The Left Hand , It's Coming Down and many more.
Q: Nice, very nice. When will it be out?
GLENN DANZIG: Well, I decided to add a few extra to the Book, so once
Simon is done we will
schedule it for Release.

Q: Did you ever think DANZIG would still be Playing & Recording
20 years after that 1st Release?
GLENN DANZIG: Well, that was the Idea, Originally. One of the reasons
Rick and I decided it should be
called DANZIG was so when players in the band left or were replaced
,the name would'nt have to change.
My Band, My Songs, My Vision. So, yea, as long as I want to keep
doing it, it will be DANZIG.
Q: Would you ever do another project other than DANZIG?
GLENN DANZIG: You mean be in someone else's Band?
Q: Yes, or start another band with some of your Contemporaries?
GLENN DANZIG: I've never thought about it, really. I'm pretty busy
& don't even have the time
to do all the things i'd like to do, let alone start or be in another
Hank III and I did a Couple Tracks together when we were rehearsing
for thet ^666 Show.
I also did my 1st duet of my career with Melissa Auf De Mar on a
Track for her new CD.
Q: I've heard about the Hank III Session but knew nothing about the
Melissa Auf De Mar Duet.
When will they be available?
GLENN DANZIG: Hank and I are talking about possibly releasing some of
the Stuff we did.
Don;t know when the Melissa Auf De Mar Song will come out.
Q: Will you ever do that Blues Record with Jerry Cantrell?
GLENN DANZIG: I actually saw Jerry at the MINISTRY show here in LA
and while we were talking he said
" We should do that Blues Thing" to which I ageed. It's really just
finding the time to sit down and do it.
I think it will eventually happen someday.

Q: Saw the photo's from the set of "SHE ONLY LIKES MEN" on your
Do you have an Update for us?
"GLENN DANZIG: I just finished editing it and am now going into the
Studio to lay down the SoundTrack Music.
Q: That was my next Question but you just answered it, as you Are
doing the Music.
GLENN DANZIG: Yes, of course I am. I'm looking forward to the
Finished Product, though. As far as when
it will be Released everyone will just have to wait for info on the
Q: "That's all I have, anything you'd like to add?
GLENN DANZIG: Just that I'd like to Thank all the Fans for the Past
20 years, lots of Great Memories,
but the Wildest Stuff is still yet to come. Hope they enjoy this
It's Special for me in more ways than One and will definately not be
one to miss.
GD 8 / 2008

Interview & Photos
© 2008 evilive